7.1 Version 1
Based on feedback from user testing, functionality is added to allow users manually add tags, via a toast notification.

7.2 Version 2

Following further feedback, functionality is added to allow the user switch Google accounts. Also, a Settings page is added to allow the user set a default bookmark view (either tag cloud or listview), and other options are added, including allowing the user add or remove filters. This wireframe was used as the basis for the design of the second interactive prototype.
5.5.3 Guerilla User Testing
A final stage of guerilla user testing was carried out on the second version of the interactive prototype.
The first participant was confused by the tag cloud and suggested a need to surround each tag with a border in order to isolate it. The second participant suggested adding the ability to edit a bookmark’s tags after the bookmark had been created.
Both of these suggestions were implemented in the final version of the interactive prototype.